Sunday, March 6, 2016

Result in 8 hours - Colon Detox Kyomizu 日本抹茶デトックス式 Kyomizu

Kyomizu MST japan formulation colon detox ( 2018 )

MST Philippines 0932 635 3576 
( Buy with Offer Price )

Kyomizu MST concept of detoxification is derived from the "Secret of Japanese longevity" by cleansing our gastrointestinal tract and promotes healthy cells in our body. Highly recommended for people with weight problems, hectic lifestyles and unbalanced diets.

10 sachet in one box

Kyomizu is made from various types of 100% natural ingredients which is Japan's enzymes, Japan's Matcha green tea extract, Japan's konjac, Fructooligosaccharide, Psyllium husk, Dandelion extract, Wheatgrass, Spirulina, Apple and Kiwi juice powder.
Daily consuming a glass of Kyomizu will help the body from the inside out. Promotes better functions of internal organs by cleansing the liver, balance the blood pH level and total elimination of toxins from the body by improving gastrointestinal motility (bowel movement) and increase probiotics activity in the digestive system.

"Few people know that an adult colon can accommodate 8-15kg of old waste. It remained in there for many years and the formation of toxic rot. By the time we are 40 years old, our colon becomes a garbage dump, full of accumulated waste and these wastes takes up too much space in the colon, making the liver, kidney and lung difficult to function effectively.

This is the main reason for almost all diseases. "--Dr.Michał Tombak

Kyomizu Main Health Benefits :

  • Purify the blood for a balanced blood pH level 

  • Reducing the waist line while tightening the lower abdomen
  • Radiant skins
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increase probiotics in the colon
  • Improves sensitive skin problems
  • Slim figure achievement
  • Skin firmer and supple
  • Prevention of chronic diseases (i.e cancer, diabetes, obesity)
  • Promotes optimum metabolism rate of the body for cells repair and regeneration
  • Slimmer thigh contour
  • Natural fat burner and get rid of stubborn fats
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Promotes good gastrointestinal motility thus improving digestive health
  • Relieves constipation
  • Reduce water retention
  • Skin whitening

Three stages of Gastrointestinal detoxification 

A) 1-10-days, First stage of detoxification effects :
  1. Enhance gastrointestinal motility resulting in discharging larger volume of strong stinking odour stool.
  2. Stool will be with oil substance (golden yellowish in colour).
  3. Significantly relieve constipation.
  4. Produce more gas.
B) 11-20 days, Second stage of detoxification effects :
  1. Normal bowel movements, toxins in the organs and blood begins to decrease, increase in oxygen content thus feeling more revitalize.
  2. Bloods start to be more purified when toxins have been significantly reduced while the skin looks more radiant and beautiful.
  3. Reduce fats, noticeable slimmer figures. 
C) 21-30 days, Third stage of detoxification effects :
  1. When the blood is free from toxins, body acidity are reduced thus the body will feel more relaxed. 
  2. Enhance the body resistance and immunity thus preventing chronic diseases.
  3. When the body is free from the unwanted stools, it will increase the production of good colonic bacteria, building a better gastrointestinal absorption capacity which resulting easy absorbing of nutrients in the food.

KYOMIZU highly recommended for people with :
  • Constipation problem (alternate day defecation)
  • Digestion problem and poor appetite.
  • Body odour and bad breath
  • Rarely consume fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Supper or untimely meals 
  • Skin itchiness, dull complexion, freckles and acne
  • Constantly taking medicines (burden the kidneys)
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Chronic Insomnia
  • Easily fatigue and drowsy, inability to concentrate
  • Obesity and water retention
  • Bad sleeping habits & alcoholic

Tips : 

Do you know that alternate days without defecation is considered constipation? 
The foods that we take if not being flushed out from the body after 12 hours will become toxin. The colon walls will start to absorb the toxin in to the blood system and deliver back to the liver. Thus we will feel easily fatigue, hot-tempered, bloating, cause bad breath and acne problems. Kyomizu natural formula will not caused stomach discomforts or dependence.
   Adults and childrens no longer worry about bloating and constipation.
Kids will love the taste of Kyomizu natural formulation with apple and kiwi juice. Thus, parents are no longer worry if your kids do not eat enough vegetables and fruits.
(For children under 12 years of age, recommended to drink half a glass of Kyomizu).

- No additives
- No stimulants
- No preservatives
- No artificial coloring

The benefits of Japanese Green Tea MATCHA

One of Kyomizu main ingredient is Japanese green tea (Matcha). It contains more than 30 nutrients and phytonutrients necessary for the body such as tea polyphenols, amino acids, chlorophyll, protein, fiber, vitamin C, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K, H, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, selenium, fluoride and others. According to Japan's years of data shows that green tea polyphenols is a very good prevention and treatment for gastric cancer, colon cancer, tumour formation and other chronic diseases. It has the ability to block nitrosamines formation and accumulation in the body.

Green tea polyphenols has beneficial effects such as antioxidant, anti cancer, anti inflammatory, anti radiation and detoxification. It can effectively prevent radioactive substances from invading the bone marrow and can be rapidly excreted. The health and medical industries refer it as "radiation nemesis." Green tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant effects (especially EGCG) that prevents bacterial effects such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis. It also remove harmful free radicals in the body, blocking lipid peroxidation process (cell damaging), increase the activity of enzymes in the body.


Take 1 sachet daily preferable
before bedtime

 MST Philippines 0932 635 3576

More reason you should try MST Kyomizu
watch this video